Monday, February 06, 2006

The Church in China

photo courtesy of the Angry Twins blog.

Today the Chinese Catholic Church is in the news with a story about how the Vatican "seems to be" slowly recognizing the Patriotic Church as in communion with Rome. If this report can be believed (and it is Newsweek so who knows)the recent consecrations of Bishops have occurred with the approval of Rome implying that they will be recognized as official. The article also states that China has demanded that the Vatican break off diplomatic relations with Taiwan which it has supposedly said it is prepared to do immediately. According to the Cardinal Kung Foundation when the underground (a.k.a. Faithful) bishops are dying they are NOT being replaced by Rome.

The Angry Twins is a popular blog that has some pretty amazing pictures of the Chinese Church and the suffering of the Chinese people. You can see them here and here.

Found this information from EWTN about the confusion among Catholics about the Patriotic and Catholic Churches in China and how the will of Rome seems to be subverted.

Seems like media and the liberals within the Church are trying to cause even more confusion. For information about the situation in China the Kung Foundation seems to be the most reliable and the closest to the situation. Run by the nephew of the late Cardinal Kung, Joseph Kung their website gives information about supporting persecuted underground Church in China.


Thomas Coolberth said...

The liberals and even Father Pacwa from EWTN are claiming that the Patriot Church is infiltrated by "true Christians."

Sowing more confusion indeed.

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