Monday, February 27, 2006

Scottish Bishop Defends Children

Bishop Joseph Devine of Motherwell, Scotland

You can rightly ascertain that any Bishop who is as hated by the liberal press and consistently raked over the coals for supporting the teachings of the Church as Bishop Devine is that he is doing a good job as a shepherd of souls. Currently Devine is standing strong against adoption of children by homosexual couples here. Previously Bishop Devine was adamant that homosexuals would not be allowed to teach in Catholic schools.

Bishop, soon to be Cardinal Sean (as he prefers to be called) has also taken a stand against same sex adoption, but only after the Vatican demanded it and his Catholic Charities in Boston is still on the wrong side of this issue. There are those who lead and those who must be led.

1 comment:

Madeline said...

Is that a lone voice in the wilderness I hear? I can't help but feel with profound disappointment that this man will never be named pastor of one of the four most prominent basilicas in Rome (I know the job at St. Mary Majore is already taken).