Today is the feast of St. Lawrence of Brindisi born in 1559 in Lisbon, Portugal. During his life time St. Lawrence preached to and baptized numerous Jews, led a victorious army as the Imperial Chaplain against 80,000 muslims bearing only a crucifix, established convents in Vienna, Prague and Graz, inspite of opposition from heretics and converted many heretics especially in Germany. St. Lawrence is a doctor of the Franciscan order. The author of sermons and several treatises against Luther.
I'm glad that St. Lawrence didn't live now because he would have nothing to do. Islam is the religion of peace, war is always wrong, the Jews are our elder brothers in the Faith and not in need of conversion and correcting and condemning heretics is now rash judgment. Amazing how things change in just a few hundred years.
Mary- that last paragraph was the best thing I read all day!
"Jews are our elder brothers in the Faith "
you read the Old Testmant, too, don't you?
God still has a covenant with them. He didn't break that covenant when he made the new covenant.
Mary - I totally agree with you and Stephen. Although the Jews were/are loved by God, they have many times been unfaithful to Him. He has not abandoned them, and in the end will win them back, but in the meantime, they are up to their frequent historical patern of infidelity to God, and His Covenant, and rejected the Messiah Jesus Christ/God. St Louis' intercession and work from Heaven for the conversion of the heretics, scismatics, and Jews is sorely needed, and I hope he prays hard for us and our times. I hope God sends us a new St Lawrence to bring the Jews back and convert the Muslims. Then the book of Revelation will be fulfilled. It can't be fulfilled if Catholics give up on the Mission that Christ commanded, "GO. TEACH ALL NATIONS, BAPTIZING THEM IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT. Some Catholics have forgotten this mandate of evangelization, and love. It is truly HATE to not try to bring others to the Church that Christ gave to transmit SALVATION and His graces (Through the Sacraments, and Sacramentals,etc). Of course that is the ONE, HOLY, CATHOLIC, AND APOSTOLIC - ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. THANK YOU SAINT LAWRENCE. Mary, thanks again for your beautiful blogsite.
" they have many times been unfaithful to Him."
Yep. Unlike us Catholics --not. There are many, many Catholics today at are also unfaithful to God, too.
"Some Catholics have forgotten this mandate of evangelization, and love."
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