Youth Defence in Ireland has put this together. Well done. You can even subscribe to their prolife news feed.
Because of the present crisis in the Church, we are a very wounded group of men. We gathered in support of each other and our ministries. But it was amazing, the talk was not about 'whoa is me' [sic] but how can we heal the church for the faithful. Our conversation revolved around you, the people of the church.
Late Wednesday, Jan. 25, I returned to Chicago and was briefed on the allegations now being made against Fr. McCormack. In any such stories, the first concern is for those alleging to have been abused, and they are in my prayers. But others are also involved, especially in the effort to evaluate whether a story is true or not.
When a second story arose over a week ago, the allegation was made to the Archdiocese.
Some have said that Fr. McCormack should have been immediately removed from ministry last August on the basis of what remains hearsay, without any sort of process. It seems to me morally wrong to insist that anyone should be punished on the basis of a story that could not be investigated. If this were the practice, no one would be safe.
Along with my prayers for all involved, I would hope that anyone who has knowledge of the abuse of children by a priest or anyone else would report it immediately to IDCFS and to the Archdiocesan Professional Responsibility Administrator (312-751-5205). The Archdiocesan process works well when it is given a chance to be used.
I know you realized that the laity are not as enraged by the fact that there are priests who are pedophiles, as much as the collusion in covering up and protecting the criminals disguised as men of God.
I believe our community would be enriched by the acknowledged presence of homosexual teachers in our schools.[emphasis mine]
The majority of the Second Vatican Council fathers and the Popes never saw the council as discontinuous and as a rupture with the past. The emphasis was always in accord with the Council of Trent and the First Vatican Council — the unbroken continuity of Catholic Tradition, both in doctrine and in many other areas. There are those who understood, and still understand, the Second Vatican Council as some sort of revolutionary destruction of the past — a sort of French Revolution — that we are destroying everything in the past and starting new all over again, with a whole new [liturgical] calendar and everything.
What happened, however, is there was a para-council of periti, of experts, who all dominated through the whole matrix of media representation of what was going on at the council. Because of that, there were horrible distortions in the popular imagination, including the clerical imagination, including the priests. Even they saw this as a complete rupture. Emotionally and psychologically, people who intellectually might understand that the Mass is the same if you offer it in English or in Latin, [nonetheless] thought, "We have a whole new world here, and this doesn't really mean what it said."
There are horror stories. For instance, Gregory Baum and some of these left-wing people who left the Church and dissented, they were going around [Rome] on motorcycles with Latin speeches in their saddlebags trying to find bishops who would say them.
And then some bishop would read them [publicly], they were in Latin, so he probably didn't even know what they said, and then they would blast them all over the newspapers: Things like 'The council says no more Purgatory,' among others. There was that sort of outrage that was going on. And in the area of the media, the left-wing liberal dissenting branch took over and prevailed.
It does not come from the directions from which so many other groups go on. You will find so many political parties trying to call ecumenical prayer groups and things like that. I think that is totally wrong. I think we need to re-center into true ecumenism, which is what the Church does, and not what other people do. We try to attract them to the fullness of truth. We try not to push them further away from the truth that they might still have either by natural revelation or by religious tradition. We try to bring them closer. I think that is what the Council was trying to emphasize. Ecumenism is what the Church does by bringing the truth to people through the aid of the Holy Spirit — the mission — so that those who are closer to the Truth come closer and that those farther away are not moving farther by our example or by our way of presenting the Truth.
But the Truth is only one, and it is in the Catholic Church. We have to accept that.
Even now the axe is laid to the root of the tree, every tree therefore that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire. Matthew 3:10
Sons are a heritage of the Lord. Children a reward from Him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are son's born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they content with the enemies at the gates.
There had been “unheard of tension” over the wording between the German section of the Secretariat of State, or Vatican Prime Minister’s office, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Pope’s German entourage, headed by Sister Ingrid Stampa, his housekeeper, and Father Georg Gaenswein, his secretary.
Vatican sources said that tensions had been exacerbated because the Pope had written the first part of the encyclical in German during his summer break and the second part was an adaptation of a document left behind in Polish by the late John Paul II. It had been passed to Vatican specialists for further revision but remained unfinished at the time of John Paul’s death ten months ago. The two parts had had to be “harmonised”.
Pope Benedict will visit the Basilica of St Paul Outside the Walls, the traditional venue for ecumenical celebrations, next Wednesday.
Besides being stunningly qualified, the characteristics of the current stellar Supreme Court nominee include these:
— His mother immediately told the press, "Of course he's against abortion."
— He had expressed support for the Reagan administration's positions on abortion in a 1985 memo.
— He refused to accede to the Democrats' endless browbeating and tell them that Roe was "settled law."
And the Democrats couldn't lay a finger on him. Sam Alito marks the final purging of the Bork experience.
All the Democrats could do was scream about his [Alito's]inactive membership — back in the '70s — in CAP, Concerned Alumni of Princeton, which had a magazine called Prospect, which once ran an article, apparently satirical, complaining about Princeton admitting co-eds. In my mind, the only potentially disqualifying aspect of Alito's record was that he wasn't a more active member of CAP, a group opposed to quotas, set-asides and the lowering of academic standards at Princeton.
Then this week, we found out Sen. Teddy Kennedy still belongs to an organization that doesn't admit women. Oh — also, he killed a girl.
I'm fairly certain I've mentioned that before — I don't recall, Mr. Chairman — but I don't understand why everyone doesn't mention it every time Senator Drunkennedy has the audacity to talk about how "troubled" and "concerned" he is about this or that nominee. I bet Mary Jo was "troubled" and "concerned" about the senator leaving her in trapped in a car under water while he went back to the hotel to create an alibi.
It's not as if Democrats can say: OK, OK! The man paid a price! Let it go! He didn't pay a price. The Kopechne family paid a price. Kennedy weaved away scot-free.
The Church needs to rediscover a political voice and stop cowering before the apparatus of government and its politically approved doctrines.
With all their hysteria about Valerie Plame, I had nearly forgotten what the Democratic Party stands for. It's good to be reminded that the sole item on the Democrats' agenda is abortion.
In the history of the nation, there has never been a political party so ridiculous as today's Democrats. It's as if all the brain-damaged people in America got together and formed a voting bloc.