Thursday, November 29, 2007


I received this comment today on an old post entitled "Face East Young Man" and if you want to you can read it here.

I smiled at the March 13 entry where it said, "Fr. Thomas Kocik" is forbidden to say the Latin Mass at the Indult located just a few miles away from his parish. As the Associate Pastor of the Indult parish myself in my own Archdiocese, I was expressly forbidden in writing by my ordinary from offering the Tridentine Mass. Thank heavens Pope Benedict freed it up for the whole world now, I'm happy to have offered it twenty times by now. Wow, what a difference! Wow, what we have lost! I hope a change comes, and, finally admitting the obvious failure of the Novus Ordo, the Pope and Bishops simply return to the 1962 Missal and prohibit the Novus Ordo to the same measure they squashed the Tridentine Mass.

How many untold stories of priests forbidden to say the Traditional Mass. Slowly it's all coming right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry that this comment has nothing to do with this post... but I just did a search for a novena to St. Joseph and google had this site as the best match.

Nice job.