But here's the family Christmas picture taken by my sister at Thanksgiving. Andy and I are sitting on the sofa arms and on the big comfy couch are (left to right)Rose 16, Andrew 14, Anastasia 17, Stephen 6 (on Ana's lap)and Tim 10. Front row (left to right) Nathaniel 12, Rebekah 2 and Edmund 4.
And if your next question is "Don't you know about NFP?" The answer is, "Thank God we didn't let that interrupt our family.
And due to the encouragement of a dear friend, who will not let me become wholly pagan, I will be posting the O Antiphons- the very phrase is mysterious and wonderful.
Well, well, welcome back! What a beautiful picture of all of you - It definately IS your blog - love the "O" Antiphons too - such great preparation for Christmas. I thought NFP meant for you "Numerous Faithful People"? The more the merrier! Thanks for letting us all into your life and for entering ours.
Wow I have NEVER seen Andy...I was beginning to wonder if he really existed ;)
Beautiful family. This post reminds me that we need to take a family picture. It will probably have to wait until Christmas when we are all gussied up.
And if your next question is "Don't you know about NFP?" The answer is, "Thank God we didn't let that interrupt our family.
i'm saying thank God He gave me that option for "interrupting" my family.
but your family is your business.
You have a gorgeous family! May the Lord bless you all. Amen+
Dear Erin,
You're right. Your family your business- which is why the question should never be asked in my opinion. But somehow it always is- from friends, priests, etc.
Merry Christmas!
A fine looking clan you have there, Mary! Which one is in the Philippines again? I see a few religious vocations in the room ...
They must all take from your side of the family! Andy does exist, he just fades in and out of reality.
a priest really said that?!
more than one and more than once.
Dear Jeff,
From your mouth to God's ear as we say. Anastasia (the one w/ Stephen on her lap) spent 2 weeks in the Philippines this summer. She loved it and wants to go back as soon as possible and adopt about 100 orphans.
Thanks for the nice compliments everyone.
That's it? Only eight kids??? You could have had just one more, and they could have started a baseball team! Geez...
Seriously, I envy big families. I was only able to have one. Merry Christ-Mass, eh?
All F.Y.I
Anonymous is really Ms. Jennifer Rock, my X-sister-In-Law (that's right, I'm committed to my wife but divorcing Jenny).
By the way, she has a "THING" for LIMO drivers.
For a good time call her, NOT (save your quarter)
You're waaayyy off. For one thing, I never post anonymously. For another thing, can't you find anything else to tease me about, except for one time I was asked out by a limo driver 15 years ago?!!? Finally, calling me "Jenny" doesn't really hurt my feelings, or bug me, so all in all, your post is a dud. Would "anonymous" please own up?
Will "anonymous" please own up?
This and other burning questions... will never be answered. Because people who sign themselves "anonymous" have found a way to be trolls without the stigma. You can't expect people to give up such an opportunity. Besides, if they ever do pick a name, it'll be something equally anonymous like "Cardinal Richeleau" or "Catholic Pewsitter" or "Sister Mary Godzilla." Then you're right back where you were before.
I use my real name, but I'm just as annoying -- a true sign of (a) good character.
Gorgeous kids! I'll bet I know which ones committed the "novena abuse".
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