Saturday, January 31, 2009

So much for choice

Remember when "choice" was the watchword of the day. Everyone deserves "choice". It represented freedom, progressiveness, democracy and indulgence (which, by the way, is no longer a bad thing in the current popular lexicon).

But choice has gone by the wayside. Because choice represents actual freedom and we can't have that. Fascism simply will not allow it.

Usher in the new thought/behavior police:

drug possession- yes
freedom from sex education in school and Diocesan Catholic catechism classes- no

NFP- yes
babies- no

abortion- yes
babies- no

stds - yes
babies - no

Do I see a theme running through these trends?

And to the current, day- what is hip, now, besides Nancy Pelosis, "catholic" mother of 5 and grandmother to 6 (I guess the exponential thing isn't happening there), authorizing and defending contraception in the budget stimulus bill; because babies are burdens and an economic drain on the country you know.

Nancy Pelosi and the green gurus have determined that only 2 babies shall be the limit. Bad news for the mother of octuplets.

Now this should strike you as very indulgent indeed. After all China allows only one child. How magnanimous we are. How prosperous.

I have a very simplistic view of life. And I cling to it. I believe the concept that babies are good and even a gift from God. In fact we named one of our sons, Nathaniel which means in Hebrew- "gift of God".

Clinging to your principles is all you have at the end of the day. And an appreciation for family life. A good glass of wine. A well cooked meal, no matter how simple. Happy faces around the dinner table. A good joke. Bills you can't pay. Good books you hope to read. Library books that are overdue. A beautiful view from your dilapidated farmhouse windows. A friend who understands. The hope of a tax return.

Some people say that resistance is futile.

Resistance is everything.


Thomas Coolberth said...

All that and Masterpiece Theatre, Did you catch Wuthering Heights?

Sanctus Belle said...

Resistance is everything - I agree. Martyrdom is in essence a resistance extremis. Those who lose their life will save it. Amen