Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Fr. Richard McBrien: Having a Bad Year

Fr. Richard McBrien, dissident liberal priest is being called on the carpet again for plagiarism. The Catholic News Agency has the article here.

The Cardinal Newman Society which attempts to remind "Catholic" colleges and universities of their Catholicism has the letter to the President of Notre Dame, Fr. Jenkins and the parallel text here. I'll let you decide.

Here's a small sample:

Kelly, p.99

Conciliatory and universally popular, he was probably chosen to heal the divisions at Rome opened up by his predecessor. …The meeting took place at Rheims in Oct. 816, the pope being welcomed with elaborate ceremonial, and at a festive mass in the cathedral Stephen anointed and crowned Louis and his consort Irmengard, using an alleged “crown of Constantine” which he had brought from Rome for the purpose. …A concession which Stephen obtained, important for peace at home, was a pardon for the aristocratic conspirators whom Charlemagne had banished to Gaul in 800 for their part in the rebellion against Leo III.

McBrien, p.131-132

Conciliatory by nature, Stephen had been a widely popular choice for pope. He was probably elected (on June 22, 816) to heal the divisions created by his predecessor, Leo III. …It took place at Rheims in October 816. After an elaborate welcome by the emperor, Stephen anointed and crowned Louis and his consort, Irmengard, in the cathedral, using an alleged “crown of Constantine” he had brought with him from Rome. …For the sake of peace at home, the pope won a concession from Louis the Pious to grant pardons for the aristocratic conspirators whom Charlemagne had exiled to Gaul in 800 because of their part in the rebellion against Pope Leo III.

It's like deja vu all over again.

1 comment:

tradcatholic said...

In my opinion, "Father" McBrien is having a bad LIVE - and is causing others to derail their lives...and he is headed for an even worse "Bad eternity"- and not just for plagerism...needs prayers...needs prayers...